How is our Hypnobabies childbirth class different from other “Hypno-birthing” programs?
There are several very important elements that are essential for a birth hypnosis program to be effective. Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis includes all of them.
A Fear Clearing hypnosis session that helps each mother to find and process any fears, concerns and control issues that come up for her during pregnancy, and during the birth itself.
A session to create “Special Safe Place” imagery in the mother’s mind so that she can instantly find comfort and calmness in a safe place during her pregnancy and birth.
At least one cue/anchor for entering hypnosis instantly. (Hypnobabies has two)
Deepening Cues are verbal or physical cues that instantly deepen the Hypno-mom’s hypnosis, relaxation and all of her mental hypnosis tools. Birth partners practice these cues with the Hypno-mom for use during birth. We have a lot of deepening techniques. Our moms are taken very deep into somnambulism where hypno-anesthesia is created.
Compounding-consistent, daily repetition of hypnosis suggestions or techniques compound their effectiveness.
Birth Visualization – mentally, women “practice or rehearse” giving birth many times. This is most effective when done as a guided hypnosis session, allowing the mother to create her own birthing the way she desires it to be. The mind then has a “blueprint for labor” to follow which is very effective.
All childbirth hypnosis courses should have at least 6 varied birth hypnosis scripts for the couple to practice with in preparation for birthing, with a specific schedule to follow so that compounding of all hypnosis suggestions can take place easily. At least 4 of the hypnosis scripts should be recorded sessions that the Hypno-mother can listen on her own and use during her birthing. Hypnobabies has 18 tracks, 2 of them are affirmations and one is Birthing Time Begins reminders.
Clearing of previous negative birth experiences, whether her own or from someone else. Her mom’s, sisters’, or friends’ births may have affected her beliefs about birth.
Consumer options and birth empowerment issues – It is essential that the Hypno-couple learn not only hypnotic childbirth techniques, but also how to create informed consent and refusal, and how to make a great Birth Plan in order to avoid unnecessary interventions.
Complete Childbirth Education – all birth hypnosis courses should include a detailed and comprehensive childbirth education curriculum so that class participants do not need to attend any other childbirth course. It is extremely important that expectant parents focus only on the birth hypnosis course’s language, hypnosis suggestions, and most importantly, its philosophies of having an easier, more comfortable birth. In doing so, they remain unaffected by the “pain-coping” or “labor medication availability” messages that are taught in other childbirth classes.
UNIQUE TO HYPNOBABIES: 2 separate hypnosis cues for entering hypnosis quickly and deeply, and 7 hypnotic deepening techniques. These are important since each Hypno-mother’s needs are unique during labor, and since she has learned and practiced these cues many times, she can choose which ones are most effective for her as she gives birth to her baby.
UNIQUE TO HYPNOBABIES: 5 somnambulistic hypnosis scripts in booklet form, for use by our Hypno-Couples to work with as a team. Our Hypnobabies students participate in one new hypnosis script each week in class and their hypnosis scripts booklet provides them with that same script to work with for reinforcement during the next week. This makes a huge difference when training the inner mind for success of any kind. It is called “compounding” in the world of hypnosis and is necessary for hypnotic suggestions to be retained by the woman’s subconscious. Working on progressively more powerful scripts several times week together also allows our moms to become “hypno-trained” to the touch and voice of their birth partner and therefore respond much more easily and quickly to birthing cues during labor.
UNIQUE TO HYPNOBABIES: We provide detailed, comprehensive training for our Birth Partners by providing them their own Birth Partner’s hypnosis recording for a calm and confident attitude towards pregnancy and childbirth, and their own detailed Birth Partner’s Guide booklet for labor, which allows them to fully learn and feel confident about their role in the preparation for baby’s birth as well as easily supporting the Hypno-Mom during birthing. This includes 4 pages of verbal birthing cues which keep the Hypno-Mom in hypnosis during first stage, transition, beginning to push, the pushing phase as well as tools for remaining calm, relaxed, confident and comfortable in between contractions.
UNIQUE TO HYPNOBABIES: Hypnobabies can also be very successfully used by Single Mothers or those whose partners will not be participating in their birth preparation process since we have specific information and well as personal help and support for single Hypno-moms, to make their Hypnobabies journey easier and more fulfilling. All of our Hypno-anesthesia techniques can be easily learned, practiced and used alone, or with a Birth Partner or doula.
UNIQUE TO HYPNOBABIES: Hypnobabies classes also provide excellent and Complete Childbirth Education, and we are the only birth hypnosis program that does so (see information below, and our Class Outline). Providing our *Complete Childbirth Education* ensures that our Hypnobabies students will not need to take other childbirth education classes where techniques and philosophies are learned which can negate childbirth hypnosis instruction. “Pain management and coping skills” are actually opposite of what is learned in Hypnobabies; we teach Pain Elimination by using real Hypno-anesthesia. We have found that attempting to embrace opposing childbirth methods (which create specific belief systems) can be detrimental to success with hypnotic childbirth. Including Complete Childbirth Education is essential for *any* birth hypnosis program.
Hypnobabies’ Complete Childbirth Education includes the following:
- Staying healthy and low risk
- Comfort in Pregnancy
- Detailed Birthing Choices
- Creating Informed Consent
- An in-depth Nutrition and Exercise program
- Avoidance of Toxic Substances
- Optimum Fetal Positioning
- Turning a Posterior Baby
- Stages of Labor
- Anatomy and Physiology of Birth
- Prenatal Parenting
- Avoiding Back Labor with the Abdominal Lift and Tuck
- Baby Kick Counting
- Belly Mapping
- The Risks, Benefits and Alternatives to Common Labor Interventions
- Birth Empowerment Skills
- Birth Plans & Baby Plans
- Touring the Birth Facility
- Doula and Midwifery information
- Avoiding Induction and Cesarean Section
- Delayed Cord Clamping and other Baby Kindness information
- Using hypnosis for 1st, 2nd and 3rd stage
- Comprehensive and detailed birth preparation and labor support training for Birth Partners
- A Quick Reference booklet for “instantly available Hypnobabies information” during labor
- Birthing Rehearsals using Hypnobabies techniques in class.
- Information on New Baby Care, Breastfeeding and Postpartum care for our moms.
UNIQUE TO HYPNOBABIES: Hypnobabies’ “Eyes Open Childbirth Hypnosis”, which allows each Hypno-mom to walk and talk and move around freely yet remain deeply in hypnosis, very relaxed, fully present, aware and in touch with her body and baby and *comfortable while doing so*. Other programs rely on immobility for focus and concentration, which can severely impede the progress of labor and the descent and positioning of the baby.
UNIQUE TO HYPNOBABIES: We conduct full Birthing Rehearsals in class # 6 so that our Hypno-moms can experience using their actual Hypnobabies techniques and many different labor positions *while in hypnosis in class* which is invaluable, and also shows the Birth Partner hands-on exactly how to use his/her cues and assistance. What a confidence builder, and has made a huge difference in success rates here at Hypnobabies!
UNIQUE TO HYPNOBABIES: Our (4) wonderful Birth Guide audio tracks which keep our Hypno-mom deeply in hypnosis with constant hypnotic relaxation and Hypno-anesthesia suggestions for both the first stage of labor and the pushing phase (avoiding the “ring of fire” and mother-directed pushing) as well as “positive birth team” hypnosis throughout. Birth Professionals are fascinated at how completely relaxed and physically comfortable our Hypno-moms are, how easily they are able to move around and communicate and still be deeply hypnotized, and how “in control” they are of their bodies, minds and emotions. Our Hypnobabies students tell us that our Birth Guide CD is “Pure Gold!”
UNIQUE TO HYPNOBABIES: We require that our Certified Hypnobabies Instructors have a fully trained background in Childbirth and a minimum of 50 hours of Hypnosis training before becoming accepted into our Hypnobabies Instructor Training Program. This ensures that as a Hypnobabies Instructor, all childbirth questions and concerns from each Hypno-couple can be addressed, hypnotic depth can be assessed, and problems such as resistance and abreaction can easily be dealt with. We also require 32 hours of Hypnobabies Instructor Training and have a demanding and rigorous Instructor Certification process.
UNIQUE TO HYPNOBABIES: Our Hypnobabies Instructors are always available for help before, during and after your Hypno-baby is born, and we also have a free online Hypnobabies Moms support forum attended by certified Hypnobabies Instructors for support and encouragement so that you can enjoy a community where others are using Hypnobabies as well.
UNIQUE TO HYPNOBABIES: Hypnobabies includes 21 hours of classroom instruction instead of 8 or 10, and although other childbirth programs may contain some excellent hypno-tools for birthing, none contain the amount of information, in depth hypno-anesthesia, training, practice and support of Hypnobabies. All elements have been carefully designed to work together and the results are excellent.